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“Our biggest challenge: to offer a new family to every abandoned child entrusted to us..
Through the project “A mother for me too” we have set ourselves the goal to offer a new family (adoptive or foster) to each of the abandoned children welcomed in our Singureni Centre. Recall that today the latter is the only private facility authorized and equipped in Romania for the reception of abandoned children infected with the HIV virus.

The Bambini in Emergenza team elaborates and initiates for each child welcomed in its Centre a personalized path for the recovery from the trauma of abandonment.

We encourage the care and adoption of our children and, where this is not possible, we turn to the professional profile of the foster parent.

After a period of accommodation in the new family, the child begins a new path aimed at his progressive integration into the new reality and reintegration into society.

The official data, which are probably underestimated, speak in 2018 of over 50,000 abandoned children in Romania. 60% of them were relocated to relatives, in foster care. The remainder flows into welcome facilities, public or private, where children receive insufficient support from educators and assistants and little or nothing is done to contribute to their “growth”. The situation is made even more difficult by the continuing ban (started in 2005) of international adoptions and by the fact that national adoptions are contained and cannot absorb a growing number of abandoned children. Particularly delicate is the situation of abandoned children affected by serious diseases that have very little chance of being adopted. Every year about a thousand children are abandoned by seropositive mothers and have about 80% chance of developing HIV.


Currently, Bambini in Emergenza is the only private person in Romania authorized to welcome and take care of abandoned children and HIV +. In general, we are able to cope with all requests for welcome that arrive in one year from the social services of the country. The Pilot Centre welcomes an average of twenty children each year in their own family homes while we have 18 children in foster care.


1 – The training of foster parents

In Romania, for years, there has been a (professional) figure of the maternal assistant or of a person who is willing to welcome one or more children into their family.

2 – Accommodation of the child in the family

Accomodation is the most delicate phase of the project since it is in it that the first nucleus of the future relationship between mother (maternal assistant) and child is created.

3 – Monitoring of foster care and financial support

The inclusion in the family is carefully monitored by the staff of Children in Emergency with recurring visits and psychological assessments of the child.


By result indicators we refer to the tools used by Bambini in Emergenza to monitor their projects, assess their degree of success and the actual usefulness for direct and indirect beneficiaries.
About a thousand children are abandoned every year by HIV-positive mothers. They have an average 80% chance of developing HIV.

How to become a foster parent

Here is the story of Nicoleta, one of our special Mothers, who in 2013 welcomed Mirela, one of our babies abandoned at birth, into her family.